Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Keegan's Fishing Battle With 'Kingie'

Last weekend, I went fishing at Coromandel close by the Mussel Farm.  I had black magic snapper bait on my hook and threw the line out on to the surface of the water just to see if I would get any bites.  To my surprise, a 'Kingie' (King Fish) came under the boat and took the bait.  The battle began.  I struggled to bring my fish in and when it came to the surface, Gary and I had trouble trying to get the 'Kingie' into the boat, but as you can see in the picture, I WON!

By Keegan

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What are QR Codes?

We are learning about QR Codes.  Q R stands for Quick Response Codes, because the codes are quick to read and they have the capacity to store a large amount of information.

You may have seen some of these codes on food labels, on posters around town where people are advertising a product or merely trying to get information across in a clever technological way.

QR codes can only be read with certain devices such as Smartphones, i-Pads and  iPod Touches.  You need to upload the 'Scan app' which is free and then you can use any of the above devices to read our code.

Our class worked in groups to create our own QR codes.  We focused on favourite websites that we like to visit.  Can you crack our codes??? 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our Gorgeous Class

Woohoooooooooooooo!  Mrs Norton learnt a fantastic e-learning skill today from Mrs Jamieson.  She took this picture of us using Mr Norton's iPod Touch and then send it straight from the iPod to our class blog.  Once she had sent it, she told us to log on to the classroom computers and check out our class blog.  Sure enough, our picture was already there!  Wow! Mrs Norton showed us how to do it and we will use the Blogger app more often to keep our blog updated with activities we are doing here at school.